Betacube: Community for Developers, Designers and Startups

First Betacube meeting: 19th of April 2012, 7pm

Usually I write in German in this blog. However, this topic is interesting especially for Luxembourg an the greater region, Germany, France and Belgium. So I guess English is the most common denominator? ;)

In fact, as Charel first told me about Betacube, I immediately liked the idea: We have a lot of Agencies (web, advertising, marketing, design, consultancy) in and around Luxembourg. The people who work for those Agencies know each other a bit, but that’s all. Betacube wants to change this. And because I love the idea, is the Event Venue Sponsor.

What’s Betacube about?

The Betacube founders Charel, Georges and Christian think that events can bring people together and it may help changing the current status quo. Those events are free of charge. There will be food and drinks too.

Betacube encourages people to share knowledge by giving a talk, and of course, networking is wanted as well.

Have you been looking for a web community in Luxembourg or the greater region? You can stop searching. BetaCube is going live. We are trying to engage a community in the greater region as well as in the Luxembourg area. Therefore we’re hosting our first event at the Abbaye de Neumünster on the 19th of April. We’re having 4 talks on Development, Design, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, one startup demo by YappointYou can see all the sessions listed on our website. Networking is as well a part of our events, we embrace people that connect to each other.


For the first meeting on 19th April 2012, there will be talks on the following topics:

Deploying a Rails application with Capistrano (Georges Jentgen)

Achille, the Turtle and the Website of Tomorrow (Régis Kuckaertz)

Digital Marketing to boost your product (Michel Hoffmann)

Luxembourg is not a Dead-end for startups (Hervé Weitz)

It’s the community stupid! (Per-Frederik Hagermark)

Startup Demo: Yappoint! (Gilles Poules)

More info

For more detailed infos, visit the Betacube website and register now:

Also like the Facebook-Page or/and follow on Twitter for updates.

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