Beiträge mit dem Stichwort: ‘HTML̵

HTML / CSS tip: Creating tables with indent to right

This week I was looking to find an answer to pimp up tables I have been creating on a website for a restaurant. The tables show the menu, here is a simple example: In the browser this table code looks like this: Now, what I wanted to achieve was, that the price shall always align…


WordPress: Best plugins, themes & tips

Last Wednesday, Betacube Project hosted the first Wordpress sessions at The Impactory in Luxembourg City and it was a big success. If everything goes well, we will have more sessions and workshops in the future. Here is my take on the plugins and tips we discussed, spiced up with some tips of mine.


Using GREP to tweak EPUB-files

The last few weeks, I have been working on some EPUB-files which have been generated from InDesign CS4 some while ago. I believe it was December 2010. Tweaking the files with Sigil, I noticed, that there are many paragraphs which include a class generated by InDesign which is absolutely useless. So I had this idea to do a search with GREP and delete every entry of this useless class in the HTML-files.


ePub für (In)Designer: Mit InDesign Schritt für Schritt zum E-Book

Mitte Mai 2011 haben der Kollege Yves Apel ( und ich die Herausforderung angenommen, ein Buch über das Thema ePub, E-Books und InDesign zu schreiben. Der Markt für E-Books wächst und so stehen InDesigner immer mehr vor der Herausforderung, neben den vertrauten PDFs für den Druck, ePubs zu erzeugen. In unserem Buch »ePub für (In)Designer« (das natürlich auch als E-Book erhältlich ist), gehen wir nun auf das Thema sehr detailliert ein.
